It has been quite an eventful week. I started work last Monday. My name is hard to pronounce for Lao because they don’t have the ‘sh’ sound in their language. I asked them to come up with a nickname and they came up with ‘Noi’, which means small. They were laughing when they told me what it meant. Here the most common nickname by far is ‘thuy’ which means fatty. ‘Nyay’ meaning 'big' is a popular nickname. Noi is quite popular- I’ve already met another and A says he has 2 at his work in an office of 8. One week on I don’t think this name has stuck but I’m really not disappointed. On my second day I came to work wearing the Lao traditional dress, the sinh. The women in the office gave me attention, telling me it looked nice. They also fixed it because I didn’t have it in the correct position. It’s the only skirt I’ve ever known that you can ride a bike with. It’s a big sack you step into, and has a fold at the front. All the public servants have to wear this work to skirt, and all the women at my office do. Many more people think I’m Lao in this skirt and I just stand there when they speak to me in Lao. I don’t think I’ve ever looked so similar to the people in a country so much before, they usually know I’m a tourist when I go to
We finally signed a lease and moved into our house, yay! The landlady’s daughter signed the lease with us. She speaks fluent English as well as French and Lao so it was very easy. The inventory in our house was in French! It’s funny, it’s a bit hard to describe where our house is because I don’t think our street has a name. People navigate by landmarks here. I’ve shown tuk- tuk drivers maps and they don’t have any idea but when I name a landmark they’ll know what I’m talking about. When there’s a road on a map without a name, they’ll just describe it as ‘dirt road’ or ‘nice paved road’.
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